The First Meeting with Mark Hanna, Reelive

Mark Hanna
Mark Hanna

The first rule of Wall Street is nobody-- and I mean nobody-- invests in a stock unless they're doing it with inside information.

Jordan Belfort
Jordan Belfort


Mark Hanna
Mark Hanna

You're gonna be a millionaire. It's just a matter of time.

Jordan Belfort
Jordan Belfort

Yeah, sounds good, man.

Mark Hanna
Mark Hanna

You know what a man's gotta do to become rich?

Jordan Belfort
Jordan Belfort

What's that?

Mark Hanna
Mark Hanna

He's gotta be fucking hungry.

Selling the Dream, Reelive

Jordan Belfort
Jordan Belfort

This is America, and we can do whatever we want.

Jordan Belfort
Jordan Belfort

You know how much money I made last year?

Donnie Azoff
Donnie Azoff

How much?

Jordan Belfort
Jordan Belfort

I made $49 million last year.

Donnie Azoff
Donnie Azoff

What the fuck?!

Jordan Belfort
Jordan Belfort

That's right! I'm fucking rich!

Jordan Belfort
Jordan Belfort

There's a big pool of money out there, and you're not showing it to me!

The Quaalude Scene, Reelive

Jordan Belfort
Jordan Belfort

I can't feel my legs!

Donnie Azoff
Donnie Azoff

Are you okay?

Jordan Belfort
Jordan Belfort

No! I'm not okay! I'm fucking paralyzed!

Donnie Azoff
Donnie Azoff

Dude, just breathe, man!

Jordan Belfort
Jordan Belfort

I can't breathe! I took too many Quaaludes!

Donnie Azoff
Donnie Azoff

You gotta get up!

Jordan Belfort
Jordan Belfort

I can't get up!

Donnie Azoff
Donnie Azoff

Just crawl!

The FBI Confrontation, Reelive

FBI Agent
FBI Agent

Mr. Belfort, we need to talk.

Jordan Belfort
Jordan Belfort

About what?

FBI Agent
FBI Agent

Your operations.

Jordan Belfort
Jordan Belfort

My operations?

FBI Agent
FBI Agent

You know what I'm talking about. This is serious.

Jordan Belfort
Jordan Belfort

I think there's been a misunderstanding.

FBI Agent
FBI Agent

Let's not play games, Jordan.

The Boiler Room Speech, Reelive

Jordan Belfort
Jordan Belfort

You see that? That's a Ferrari.

Jordan Belfort
Jordan Belfort

You know how much it costs?


A lot!

Jordan Belfort
Jordan Belfort

Two hundred fifty thousand!

Jordan Belfort
Jordan Belfort

And you know what? When you get one, you're gonna feel like a king!

Jordan Belfort
Jordan Belfort

That's the beauty of this place!

Margot Robbie's Introduction, Reelive

Jordan Belfort
Jordan Belfort

Yeah, can I get a whiskey on the rocks?


Sure. What else?

Jordan Belfort
Jordan Belfort

You want to get out of here?


I don't know. Do you have a car?

Jordan Belfort
Jordan Belfort

Of course, I do! Who do you think I am?


Alright, lets see where it goes.

The Legacy of Greed, Reelive

Jordan Belfort
Jordan Belfort

You know what? I had it all.

Jordan Belfort
Jordan Belfort

Everything I ever wanted.

Jordan Belfort
Jordan Belfort

But wasn't enough.

Jordan Belfort
Jordan Belfort

I built an empire on lies.

Jordan Belfort
Jordan Belfort

Was it worth it?

The Confrontation with Donnie About Legality, Reelive

Donnie Azoff
Donnie Azoff

Jordan, this isn't legal!

Jordan Belfort
Jordan Belfort

Who cares? It's effective!

Donnie Azoff
Donnie Azoff

We're gonna get caught!

Jordan Belfort
Jordan Belfort

That's a risk I'm willing to take!

Jordan Belfort
Jordan Belfort

If you can't handle the heat, get out of the kitchen!

The Strain of Wealth, Reelive


You're never home.

Jordan Belfort
Jordan Belfort

I'm making money, Naomi!


At what cost?

Jordan Belfort
Jordan Belfort

What do you want me to do, give it all up?


I want you home!

The Final Arrest, Reelive

FBI Agent
FBI Agent

Jordan Belfort, you're under arrest.

Jordan Belfort
Jordan Belfort

You're making a mistake!

FBI Agent
FBI Agent

No mistake. You've been under investigation.

Jordan Belfort
Jordan Belfort

You don't understand! I'm a businessman!

FBI Agent
FBI Agent

Not anymore.

The Call to Action, Reelive

Jordan Belfort
Jordan Belfort

I need all of you to dig deep.

Jordan Belfort
Jordan Belfort

What do we want?



Jordan Belfort
Jordan Belfort

Are we going to get it?



The Motorboat Scene, Reelive

Jordan Belfort
Jordan Belfort

I'm on a fucking boat!

Donnie Azoff
Donnie Azoff

Look at you, man!

Jordan Belfort
Jordan Belfort

You like my motorboat?

Donnie Azoff
Donnie Azoff

Oh my god!

Jordan Belfort
Jordan Belfort

This is how you live!

Facing the Consequences, Reelive

Jordan Belfort
Jordan Belfort

What are we going to do?

Team Member
Team Member

It's over, Jordan.

Jordan Belfort
Jordan Belfort

No, it's not!

Team Member
Team Member

They have our names.

Jordan Belfort
Jordan Belfort

We can fight back!

The Mentor Moment, Reelive

Jordan Belfort
Jordan Belfort

You taught me to be ruthless.

Mark Hanna
Mark Hanna

And you did well.

Jordan Belfort
Jordan Belfort

But it came at such a cost.

Mark Hanna
Mark Hanna

Welcome to Wall Street.

The Stolen Money Conversation, Reelive

Jordan Belfort
Jordan Belfort

You know we can't keep this money.

Donnie Azoff
Donnie Azoff

What do you mean?

Jordan Belfort
Jordan Belfort

If we do, we're going to go to jail!

Donnie Azoff
Donnie Azoff

We can handle it.

Jordan Belfort
Jordan Belfort

No, we can't!

The Bryan's Decision, Reelive

Jordan Belfort
Jordan Belfort

You sold to a client without my approval?


I thought it was safe!

Jordan Belfort
Jordan Belfort

Safe? This isn't a game!


I'm just trying to do my job!

Jordan Belfort
Jordan Belfort

Your job is to follow my orders!

The Indulgences, Reelive

Jordan Belfort
Jordan Belfort

Who's got the largest yacht?

Donnie Azoff
Donnie Azoff

Surely not bigger than mine.

Jordan Belfort
Jordan Belfort

Mine is massive!

Donnie Azoff
Donnie Azoff

And filled with chicks!

Jordan Belfort
Jordan Belfort

That's life!

Jordan's Denial, Reelive

Jordan Belfort
Jordan Belfort

I'm not a criminal.

FBI Agent
FBI Agent

You're living a lie.

Jordan Belfort
Jordan Belfort

I did what I had to do!

FBI Agent
FBI Agent

No, you exploited and abused.

Jordan Belfort
Jordan Belfort

That's just business!

Jordan's Turning Point, Reelive

Jordan Belfort
Jordan Belfort

I wanted it all.

Jordan Belfort
Jordan Belfort

But at what cost?

Jordan Belfort
Jordan Belfort

I built this from nothing.

Jordan Belfort
Jordan Belfort

But it's all turned to ash.

Jordan Belfort
Jordan Belfort

Was it worth it?

The Honeymoon Phase, Reelive

Jordan Belfort
Jordan Belfort

I love this life!


You're living it up.

Jordan Belfort
Jordan Belfort

And it will never end!


It can't, can it?

Jordan Belfort
Jordan Belfort

Not if I'm in control!

Jordan Belfort

The only thing standing between you and your goal is the bullshit story you keep telling yourself as to why you can't achieve it.

Jordan Belfort

The Wolf of Wall Street, Reelive
Jordan Belfort

I'm not gonna die sober!

Jordan Belfort

The Wolf of Wall Street, Reelive
Jordan Belfort

I want you to deal with your problems by becoming rich!

Jordan Belfort

The Wolf of Wall Street, Reelive
Jordan Belfort

Sell me this pen.

Jordan Belfort

The Wolf of Wall Street, Reelive
Jordan Belfort

There's no nobility in poverty.

Jordan Belfort

The Wolf of Wall Street, Reelive
Jordan Belfort

Money doesn't just buy you a better life, it also makes you a better person.

Jordan Belfort

The Wolf of Wall Street, Reelive
Jordan Belfort

I'm a rich kid. I've never had to work for anything in my life.

Jordan Belfort

The Wolf of Wall Street, Reelive
Jordan Belfort

On a daily basis, I consume enough drugs to sedate Madagascar.

Jordan Belfort

The Wolf of Wall Street, Reelive
Jordan Belfort

The show goes on!

Jordan Belfort

The Wolf of Wall Street, Reelive
Jordan Belfort

I'm not a crook. I'm just doing what I have to do to survive.

Jordan Belfort

The Wolf of Wall Street, Reelive
Jordan Belfort

You're not selling me the pen; you're selling me the idea of a pen.

Jordan Belfort

The Wolf of Wall Street, Reelive
Jordan Belfort

My name is Jordan Belfort. I'm the king of the world!

Jordan Belfort

The Wolf of Wall Street, Reelive
Jordan Belfort

This is my third wife - I'm not a quitter.

Jordan Belfort

The Wolf of Wall Street, Reelive
Jordan Belfort

Always be closing.

Jordan Belfort

The Wolf of Wall Street, Reelive
Jordan Belfort

Just keep swimming.

Jordan Belfort

The Wolf of Wall Street, Reelive
Jordan Belfort

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go to my office, get rich!

Jordan Belfort

The Wolf of Wall Street, Reelive
Jordan Belfort

Chasing a woman is a lot like investing in a stock.

Jordan Belfort

The Wolf of Wall Street, Reelive
Jordan Belfort

You know what I love about this country? It's a place where anyone can become a millionaire.

Jordan Belfort

The Wolf of Wall Street, Reelive
Jordan Belfort

Get rich or die trying.

Jordan Belfort

The Wolf of Wall Street, Reelive
Jordan Belfort

I'm on top of the world, and I'm never coming down!

Jordan Belfort

The Wolf of Wall Street, Reelive
Jordan Belfort

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

Jordan Belfort

The Wolf of Wall Street, Reelive
Jordan Belfort

I was the most powerful man in my little world.

Jordan Belfort

The Wolf of Wall Street, Reelive
Jordan Belfort

Pursue what you're passionate about and do what you love.

Jordan Belfort

The Wolf of Wall Street, Reelive
Jordan Belfort

When you get great at something, you don't want to be anything else.

Jordan Belfort

The Wolf of Wall Street, Reelive
Jordan Belfort

Money is the greatest drug on earth.

Jordan Belfort

The Wolf of Wall Street, Reelive
Jordan Belfort

It's not about how much you make, but how much you keep.

Jordan Belfort

The Wolf of Wall Street, Reelive

Black Skinhead

Black Skinhead by Kanye West, Introduction of Jordan Belfort at the office

Money for Nothing

Money for Nothing by Dire Straits, Beginning of the stock market scenes

Mrs. Robinson

Mrs. Robinson by Simon & Garfunkel, Scene with the party at Nicky's house

Wave of Mutilation

Wave of Mutilation by Pixies, Scene with the yacht

Feeling Good

Feeling Good by Nina Simone, Scene with Jordan on drugs


Roxanne by The Police, Scene with the sex party

Get Lucky

Get Lucky by Daft Punk, Belfort's rise to success montage

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Drowning in Excess

In the lavish office of Stratton Oakmont, the camera zooms in on Jordan Belfort as he delivers a rousing speech to his ambitious employees. The atmosphere is electric, fueled by a sense of limitless possibilities. Suddenly, after a series of laughable celebrations and displays of wealth, Jordan's excessive lifestyle comes crashing down. He realizes that the raw excitement of the rise is no match for the darker side of his actions. The scene is marked by visuals of money flying, hilarious yet absurd antics, and an overwhelming feeling of chaos that overwhelms the characters even as they revel in wealth.

Context: This moment captures the height of Jordan's success before the impending fallout from his reckless ways and moral compromises.

The First Lemons

Jordan convinces his first group of partners to sell 'lemons', stocks that are obviously worthless yet ridiculous profits can be made. The pivotal moment hits when he passionately explains how they will profit from deceiving people. The initial excitement is palpable, but as the reality of their actions sinks in, a cloud of moral ambiguity begins to overshadow the thrill. The camera captures their gleaming faces in close-up as they cheer, signifying the mix of enthusiasm and dread freezing in time.

Context: This scene details the birth of Belfort's unethical approach to stockbroking, setting the tone for future actions.

The Quaalude Scene

As Jordan and his friend Donnie are taking Quaaludes, a series of misplaced dialogues and slow-motion stumbles turn a simple act into a comical disaster. The pivotal moment occurs when Jordan struggles to reach his car, his body seemingly turning into jelly. The absurdity of his intoxicated state is both hilarious and tragic, showcasing the depths to which he's sinking. The visuals are vibrant and frenetic, highlighting the disparity between his high-rolling lifestyle and a crumbling sense of self.

Context: This marks a turning point where humor and horror blend, illustrating the dire consequences of addiction.

Confrontation with the FBI

As Jordan meets with Agent Denham, there's a palpable sense of dread. The pivotal moment is marked by Denham's steady clarifications about the investigation, laying everything on the table while Jordan feigns confidence. The visual tension is heightened through tight framing on their faces, capturing Jordan's growing panic. The aftermath leaves Jordan feeling trapped between two worlds—the one of deception he created and the undeniable truth of his actions.

Context: The scene reflects Jordan's escalating paranoia and introduces the real consequences he now faces.

The Yacht Speech

On a luxurious yacht, Jordan passionately argues about their supposed right to find success no matter the cost. The key moment arrives when he rallies his team with a speech so vigorous that it feels as if it reaches through the screen. The visuals of the waves crashing against the elegant yacht amplify his larger-than-life persona as he embodies the American dream gone wrong. The laughter and cheering of his crew contrast against the impending doom swirling around them.

Context: This highlights Jordan's persuasive charisma, as well as the delusions of grandeur that precede his fall.

Naomi's Introduction

When Jordan first meets Naomi, her striking beauty and confidence captivate him instantly. The pivotal moment occurs when they share a charged conversation, layering flirtation with underlying tension. The camera's close-ups on their faces capture a web of desire and ambition—they're both drawn to each other, but also seeking their own gains. The scene paints Naomi as more than just a pretty face; she has her own ambitions that will tie into the film's unraveling narrative.

Context: Naomi's entrance marks a significant point in Jordan's life, foreshadowing both his infatuation and impending turmoil.

The Helicopter Ride

As Jordan and his team fly through the air in a helicopter, he delivers a speech about freedom and power. The moment turns pivotal when one of their reckless actions nearly causes disaster. The visuals of the helicopter soaring against the blue sky juxtapose their chaotic mentality, revealing both exhilaration and danger. His words ring hollow against the impending consequences, creating a serious disconnect between perception and reality.

Context: This scene showcases the risk undertaken by Jordan and the lengths his circle will go for the sake of extravagance.

The FBI Raid

The tension peaks as the FBI descends on Stratton Oakmont. The panic is palpable as employees scramble, and Jordan's arrogance turns to fear. The pivotal moment unfolds with the law enforcement coming through the door, forcing Jordan to adapt quickly. The visuals capture chaos amidst panicked faces, representing the crumbling empire around him. The aftermath is a stark reminder of how fast everything can unravel.

Context: This turning point emphasizes the consequences of Jordan's unethical choices as law enforcement closes in.

Jordan's Breakdown

In a quiet moment with his family, Jordan's facade crumbles as he realizes how he's losing everything. The pinnacle arrives with the use of raw, unfiltered vulnerability as he reflects on his choices. The lighting dims around him, leaving him isolated in his despair. The intimate visuals showcase a profound conflict within, contrasting the powerful persona he built versus the man he truly is.

Context: This moment displays Jordan's internal struggle and sets the stage for his eventual decisions.

The Final Confrontation with Naomi

In a raw and heart-wrenching moment, Naomi confronts Jordan about his infidelities and the life he's chosen. The pivotal point hits when the argument escalates, revealing their deep-seated issues. The cinematography shifts to close-ups on their faces, encapsulating pain, anger, and love intertwined. Ultimately, this conversation serves as a powerful acknowledgment of how far they have strayed from each other.

Context: This scene underscores the personal cost of Jordan's lifestyle, across the backdrop of glamorous wealth.

The Pennies from Heaven

Jordan makes a heartfelt appeal to his crew, referencing a story of finding meaning in small things amidst massive pandemonium. The defining moment occurs when his words resonate deeply, reminding them that true happiness doesn't come from wealth. The visuals present a sense of unity among the group, illuminated by the warmth of camaraderie despite the chaos. Somehow, a remedy created from the mess brings a hint of hope.

Context: This moment contrasts with the moral decay reflected by their actions although it's fleeting and misguided.


As Jordan sits behind bars, there's a sense of isolation that hangs thick in the air. The realization hits that wealth and power don't hold the same value anymore. The pivotal moment is captured through poignant dialogue about his loss, the silence punctuating the heaviness of his mistakes. The camera pulls back to reveal the reality of his surroundings, amplifying the loneliness of his self-imposed exile.

Context: This scene profoundly illustrates the ultimate cost of his actions and a sobering reflection on his journey.

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The Script's Authenticity

Director Martin Scorsese insisted on using the real-life memoirs of Jordan Belfort, leading to setbacks when members of the production team questioned the film's graphic content.

Why it matters: This commitment to authenticity allowed the film to portray a raw and realistic depiction of Wall Street culture, contributing to its critical acclaim and helping audiences understand the excesses of the era.

Casting Changes

Margot Robbie was cast as Naomi LaPaglia just a few days before filming began, impressing Scorsese and becoming a standout in the film.

Why it matters: Robbie's last-minute casting added spontaneity to her performance, allowing for genuine chemistry with Leonardo DiCaprio, which became integral to the film's impact.

Jonah Hill's Improvisation

Jonah Hill improvised many of his lines as Donnie Azoff, including the now-iconic moment when he offers money to Belfort after hearing about the financial scandal.

Why it matters: These improvised moments not only showcased Hill's comedic talent but also enriched the film's authenticity and unpredictability, making his character even more memorable.

The Quaalude Scene

The scene where Belfort and Azoff take Quaaludes was filmed using a special effect that made DiCaprio's character appear as if he was physically impaired.

Why it matters: The method used in this sequence enhanced the humor and absurdity of the drug use, allowing viewers to viscerally experience the characters' recklessness while also making a larger statement about excess.

Scorsese's Signature Style

Scorsese employed his trademark long takes and dynamic camera movements during crucial scenes, like the corporate party sequences.

Why it matters: These stylistic choices amplified the chaotic energy of the Wall Street lifestyle, making the audience feel engulfed in the excess and frenzy of the era.

Nudity and Controversy

The sheer volume of nudity and explicit language in the film led to hard discussions about the MPAA rating, yet Scorsese embraced it as a point of storytelling.

Why it matters: This choice highlighted the film's unfiltered view of the corruption and indulgence rampant in the financial sector, forcing audiences to confront the realities rather than romanticizing them.

The Opening Speech

DiCaprio's character's opening speech was filmed multiple times with different tones, showcasing his evolution from naive stockbroker to ruthless businessman.

Why it matters: This nuanced delivery offered insights into Belfort's character development, allowing audiences to witness his moral decline, enhancing the film's critique of capitalism.

Real-life Inspirations

Several characters in the film are based on actual people from Jordan Belfort's life, including Matthew McConaughey's character, who mirrored a real-life mentor.

Why it matters: These authentic portrayals added depth and credibility to the narrative, allowing audiences to better understand the influences that shaped Belfort's decisions.

Filming in Real Locations

Many scenes were shot in actual offices formerly occupied by stockbroker firms, lending an air of authenticity to set designs.

Why it matters: This choice not only reduced production costs but also immersed actors and viewers alike into the environment of Wall Street, enhancing the realism of the narrative.

Using Actual Money

The production team sourced real currency for certain scenes, especially during the lavish parties, adding to the film's authenticity.

Why it matters: This realism intensified the portrayal of excess and greed, making the viewer feel the impact of wealth rather than just seeing representations of it.

Leonardo DiCaprio's Performance

DiCaprio reportedly spent weeks preparing for the role, including shadowing stockbrokers to understand their mentality.

Why it matters: This commitment paid off, producing a multi-dimensional character that resonated with audiences and critics alike, contributing to nominations and awards for his performance.

The Office Furniture Scene

A particular scene where furniture is thrown during a party was partly inspired by spontaneous antics from Scorsese's crew.

Why it matters: Such incidents added an unpredictable energy to the film, exemplifying the chaotic lifestyle depicted, and making it a memorable moment in the film.

The Use of Voiceover

The distinctive voiceover used by DiCaprio's character throughout the film provides context and insight into his thought processes.

Why it matters: This narrative technique deepened the audience's understanding and connection to Belfort, offering a window into his motivations, which added layers to his moral ambiguity.

Digital Effects for Quaalude Sequence

The surreal visual effects during the Quaalude scene were crafted to exaggerate DiCaprio's impaired state, employing digital effects for added humor.

Why it matters: This strategic use of effects not only made the sequence memorable but also underscored the absurdity of the drug culture within Wall Street, enhancing audience engagement.

The Boats Scene

The yacht scene where characters use drugs and party was filmed entirely on location, capturing the surreal atmosphere of excess at sea.

Why it matters: This choice gave the film an exotic backdrop that juxtaposed with the characters' morally corrupt actions, emphasizing the hollowness of their pursuits.

Authentic Scenery from NYC

The filmmakers collaborated closely with city officials to gain access to various parts of New York City for filming, effectively capturing the city's vibrancy.

Why it matters: This collaboration offered a genuine representation of NYC during financial boom periods, reinforcing the film's critique of capitalist excitement.

Improvisational Style

Many scenes were shot with an improvisational approach, allowing actors to explore their characters in real-time.

Why it matters: This approach fostered dynamic performances, rich in spontaneity, and encouraged actors to bring unexpected nuances to their roles, enhancing the film's overall authenticity.

Emphasis on Realism

Scorsese chose to shoot the film in a documentary-like style, integrating hand-held camera techniques to immerse viewers in the story.

Why it matters: This stylistic choice created a sense of urgency and realism, mirroring the tension of the financial world and pulling the audience closer to the characters' experiences.

Pacing of the Narrative

The film's pacing was constructed to reflect the fast-paced nature of Wall Street, with quick cuts and rapid movements.

Why it matters: This pacing forced the audience to feel the adrenaline and stress of the characters' lives, making their chaos palpable and relatable.

Characterization of Belfort's Mentor

Matthew McConaughey's character was originally much smaller but grew in significance after his initial performance.

Why it matters: This development not only showcased McConaughey's talent but also solidified the influence of mentors on Belfort's trajectory, adding dimension to Belfort's backstory.

Social Commentary

The film serves as a critique of capitalism, initially spurred by Scorsese's discussions with producers about the ethical implications of the characters' actions.

Why it matters: By framing the narrative as a cautionary tale rather than glorification, the film resonates with audiences who might see parallels in contemporary society.

Use of Music

Scorsese meticulously selected music for each scene, ensuring it matched the tone and style of the moment, including iconic tracks from the 80s and 90s.

Why it matters: This careful curation of music not only sets the mood but also enhances the nostalgic aspect, creating an immersive experience that echoes the excesses of the era.

Cameo Appearances

Several real-life Wall Street figures made cameo appearances in the film, including Jordan Belfort himself during a conference scene.

Why it matters: These cameos cemented the film's connection to reality, making the absurdity and spectacle of the lifestyle more tangible for viewers and anchoring its credibility.

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