The Irony of Beliefs, Reelive


You're not a monster! You can't be a monster!


Why not? Because I'm a human being? Or because I'm Jewish?


They say you're supposed to be like a... a... a rat!


And what are you, Jojo? A good Nazi? You're not a rat, you're a kid.


I'm a good German! My mother is... she's a good German too!


Then why are you here? To kill me?


No! I'm just... confused!


Good! It's meant to be confusing. That's how they get you.

Understanding Differences, Reelive


But you don't look like a Jew, you look like a person!


What do you think Jews look like? We bleed just like you!


I don't know. I thought you had horns or something.


That's a funny stereotype. Maybe you should think about what that actually means.


I was told all sorts of things... That you're all like monsters.


Well, I can assure you I'm not. I’m just trying to survive.


Survive? From what? From a boy?


From boys like you, Jojo.

The Power of Imagination, Reelive


Jojo, this is your chance to prove your worth!


But I’m not sure about this anymore. What if I’m wrong?


Wrong? You think the world needs more compassion? No, boy! It needs strength!


But strength can be cruel...


Exactly! But that's exactly what gets you respect.


What is respect worth? If it means hurting others?


You're losing yourself, Jojo!


Maybe that's the point…

Rebel Without a Cause, Reelive


I was told to report you!


And what would that accomplish? You would just be another cog in the machine.


I... I want to be a good soldier.


And what does that mean? Harming others for a twisted ideology?


I don't know... But maybe there's more to being good.


Exactly! What you call good can be very twisted.

The Fork in the Road, Reelive


I was taught that Jews are the enemy!


And what have I ever done to you? We’re just trying to live!


But they told me you were wicked!


Wicked? I'm just a person like anyone else.


So you say, but that doesn't add up to what I know!


Maybe you should question what you know!


I don’t know if I can!


Then you're just a puppet. It’s time to cut the strings!

Breaking the Illusion, Reelive


I don't want to believe what they say!


Then don't! Trust what you see before you.


But I've been told you're dangerous!


Look around, Jojo! Who's truly dangerous here?


It's them! But what makes you different?


What makes us different is that we dream of better.

A Shift in Perspective, Reelive


It's hard for me. Everything I thought was right is wrong!


That's growth! Embrace it!


But I'm scared of what that means.


Scared of what? Seeing the truth?


Yes! What if I lose everything?


Maybe you will. But you'll gain so much more.

Dilemma of Loyalty, Reelive


If I help you, what happens to the Fatherland?


The Fatherland? Or your heart, Jojo? Which one matters more?


They taught me loyalty!, to the regime.


And what loyalty is this? Projecting hate?


I feel split!


Then decide! Choose for you!

Facing Consequences, Reelive


What if they find out I helped you?


Then you'll do what's right, won't you?


But I'm scared! What if it means I’m not a good boy?


Being good doesn’t mean following orders blindly.


But at what cost?


Your humanity! And that is priceless.

Common Humanity, Reelive


Do you miss your family?


Every second! It's what keeps me going.


I miss mine too... They don't understand me.


Then let's understand each other.


But can we?


We have to. It’s the only way.

The Price of Freedom, Reelive


What does freedom even feel like?


Freedom is the absence of fear.


What if being free means losing everything?


Then it means fighting for what matters!


But what am I fighting against?


Your own fears and prejudices.

Finding Courage, Reelive


I feel weak! Like I can't do this.


Weakness is not speaking the truth.


But what if the truth is dangerous?


Dangerous truths lead to liberation.


What if I fail?


Then you try again! That's courage.

The Moment of Truth, Reelive


Is this it? Are we done for?


No! This is where we start living.


Living how? Under constant fear?


No! With bravery and rage in our hearts.


And what if I lose?


You won’t lose. You’ll find yourself.

Embracing Change, Reelive


So, can I still be a good person?


Doing good means doing what's right for others, not just for yourself.


I’m scared of all the changes.


Change can be scary, but it’s also beautiful.


Maybe... maybe I can learn.


You already are!

The Ultimate Choice, Reelive


What do I do now?


You know what to do! Trust your heart.


But what if they try to kill you?


Then we fight, together!


But what if I lose you?


You won’t lose me, Jojo! Not if you choose love.

The Power of Choice, Reelive


I choose to stand by you!


Then you’ve already broken free of the chains!


But they'll come for you!


Let them! It's our choice now!


Then let’s show them what love can do.


Yes! Love conquers all!

Fighting for What's Right, Reelive


I will not be your disciple anymore!


That's it! You’re breaking free!


No more hate, no more lies!


This is your awakening!


And I will fight for love.


Together, we will rebuild our future!

Jojo Betzler

I’ll be your friend until the end! But I really need to get some scissors for my neck!

Jojo Betzler

Jojo Rabbit, Reelive
Elsa Korr

You can’t be a Nazi and have a heart.

Elsa Korr

Jojo Rabbit, Reelive
Jojo Betzler

He’s a really bad guy, and he’s not a good person! He’s not even a real person!

Jojo Betzler

Jojo Rabbit, Reelive
Rosie Betzler

You’re not a monster. You’re just a kid.

Rosie Betzler

Jojo Rabbit, Reelive
Johannes Betzler

Just because you have a heart doesn’t mean you need to show it all the time.

Johannes Betzler

Jojo Rabbit, Reelive
Elsa Korr

What do you believe? You can’t let someone else tell you what to think.

Elsa Korr

Jojo Rabbit, Reelive
Jojo Betzler

You can’t put a price on friendship.

Jojo Betzler

Jojo Rabbit, Reelive
Elsa Korr

I’m not scared of you, you’re just a little boy!

Elsa Korr

Jojo Rabbit, Reelive
Jojo Betzler

The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.

Jojo Betzler

Jojo Rabbit, Reelive
Jojo Betzler

I don’t even know what I’m doing! I just want to be the best, but I’m scared!

Jojo Betzler

Jojo Rabbit, Reelive
Elsa Korr

Love is the greatest weapon.

Elsa Korr

Jojo Rabbit, Reelive
Rosie Betzler

We’re all just people. No one’s better than anyone else.

Rosie Betzler

Jojo Rabbit, Reelive
Jojo Betzler

Silly little rabbit, there’s no such thing as a perfect human.

Jojo Betzler

Jojo Rabbit, Reelive
Elsa Korr

The truth is rarely pure and never simple.

Elsa Korr

Jojo Rabbit, Reelive
Jojo Betzler

If only I could just be an ordinary boy.

Jojo Betzler

Jojo Rabbit, Reelive
Rosie Betzler

Sometimes love is all you need.

Rosie Betzler

Jojo Rabbit, Reelive
Elsa Korr

The most important thing is to not give in to hate.

Elsa Korr

Jojo Rabbit, Reelive
Jojo Betzler

What if I make a mistake? What if I’m wrong?

Jojo Betzler

Jojo Rabbit, Reelive
Jojo Betzler

I’m not going to believe everything I’m told anymore.

Jojo Betzler

Jojo Rabbit, Reelive
Elsa Korr

You have to think for yourself.

Elsa Korr

Jojo Rabbit, Reelive
Johannes Betzler

There are always consequences for our actions.

Johannes Betzler

Jojo Rabbit, Reelive
Rosie Betzler

It’s hard to be a good person in a world filled with bad. But you’re doing it.

Rosie Betzler

Jojo Rabbit, Reelive
Elsa Korr

Your mind will be the biggest weapon you'll ever have.

Elsa Korr

Jojo Rabbit, Reelive

I Can't Help Falling in Love

I Can't Help Falling in Love by Elvis Presley, Played during a poignant moment between Jojo and Elsa.


Heroes by David Bowie, Used in the climax during Jojo's realization.

Give Me Hope Jo'anna

Give Me Hope Jo'anna by Eddie Grant, Played during the film's more lighthearted scenes.


Siegfried by James Blake, Plays during a reflective moment in the film.

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The Opening Sequence

The film opens with Jojo's joyful attempt to fit into the Nazi youth culture, showcasing his dedication and enthusiasm. The pivotal point occurs when Jojo prepares for a youth camp, determined to impress his peers. His interactions reveal his innocent eagerness contrasted with the absurdity of Hitler's influence in his life. This sets the tone for the film, highlighting the collision between childhood innocence and the harsh realities of war. After this moment, Jojo's perception of the world begins to shift as he encounters deeper truths about love and humanity.

Context: This initial scene introduces Jojo's character as a typical child caught up in a misguided ideology. His relationship with his imaginary friend, Adolf Hitler, serves both as a comedic element and a representation of how propaganda shapes young minds.

Jojo Meets Elsa

After discovering Elsa, a Jewish girl hiding in his house, Jojo's world is turned upside down. The pivotal moment comes when he hesitantly engages Elsa in conversation, revealing his initial fear and moral confusion. Their back-and-forth is filled with tension, humor, and vulnerability. This encounter not only challenges Jojo's beliefs but also introduces the audience to the personal side of the conflicts surrounding them. The aftermath sees Jojo grappling with his growing empathy for Elsa, marking the beginning of his moral awakening.

Context: This scene emphasizes the theme of humanity versus indoctrination. Jojo's interactions with Elsa force him to confront the dehumanizing views he's been taught.

The Conversation About the Devil

Elsa and Jojo have a profound discussion about what makes a person good or evil. The pivotal moment occurs when Elsa challenges Jojo's beliefs, stating that Hitler is not what he seems and urging Jojo to see her as a person, not just a label. This dialogue is powerful and breaks Jojo’s preconceived notions. The aftermath sees Jojo begin to question everything he has believed, opening a path toward personal growth and deeper understanding.

Context: This scene illustrates the theme of understanding and personal connection in an otherwise dark setting, showing how empathy has the power to dismantle prejudice.

Jojo's Dad Returns

Jojo's emotional struggle deepens when he learns the truth about his father's fate. The pivotal moment is when he stands in shock, grappling with the reality of loss and betrayal from the ideologies he idolized. The scene is heartbreaking, as the layers of Jojo's innocence are peeled away. This moment shifts his perspective not only on his father but also on what loyalty and patriotism mean. The aftermath leaves Jojo in a conflicted state, emotionally torn between loyalty to his country and love for his family.

Context: This moment serves to personalizes the impacts of war and how propaganda ultimately fails in the face of loss and sorrow.

The Dance Scene

A moment of levity occurs when Jojo and Elsa engage in a spontaneous dance. The pivotal moment reveals Jojo's gradual acceptance of Elsa as a friend rather than an enemy. This light-hearted scene is filled with laughter and joy, serving as a stark contrast to the war-torn backdrop. The aftermath allows Jojo to embrace his humanity, further distancing himself from the hateful ideology he was raised to believe. This joy solidifies their bond and showcases the film's ability to blend humor with drama.

Context: This scene is significant as it highlights the healing power of human connection, stepping away from the broader themes of hate and prejudice for a moment of pure love and joy.

The Revelation of the Truth

When Jojo learns the full extent of the Jewish struggle and the lies told to him, it’s a turning point. The pivotal moment arrives during an emotional confrontation with Elsa, where she describes her real experiences under Nazi rule. Jojo's expression shifts from disbelief to horror as he understands the human cost of the ideologies he previously endorsed. The aftermath is staggering; Jojo's moral compass shifts, deciding to act in favor of protecting Elsa over following blind hatred.

Context: This revelation is crucial as it marks Jojo's transformation from a naive child into a morally conscious individual, emphasizing the theme of growth through understanding.

The Decision to Help

Jojo faces a critical choice between reporting Elsa or helping her escape. The pivotal moment is filled with tension as he wrestles with his upbringing versus his feelings for Elsa. The tension is palpable, and the visuals reflect his inner turmoil. After making the decision to help her, Jojo's character takes a definitive turn toward bravery and allyship. This act redefines Jojo’s character as he steps firmly away from the hate-filled ideology that surrounded him.

Context: This scene encapsulates the theme of courage and morality over blind obedience, showcasing how love and understanding can triumph over hate.

The Climax - The Final Stand

The climax unfolds as Jojo and Elsa face off against Nazi soldiers. The pivotal moment occurs when Jojo, filled with newfound courage, stands up to defend Elsa despite the grave dangers. The visuals are intense, capturing the chaos and fear of the moment. After this confrontation, Jojo solidifies his shift from indoctrination to agency, ready to protect what matters most to him. The scene is both breathless and heart-wrenching, leaving audiences on the edge of their seats.

Context: This climax serves as the culmination of Jojo's transformation and represents his final rejection of the beliefs instilled in him as a child, embracing love and friendship instead.

The Ending - Freedom and Hope

The film culminates in a scene of hope as Jojo and Elsa embrace their freedom from the oppressive ideologies that once ruled their lives. The pivotal moment arrives when they step into the new world together, symbolizing a new beginning. The visuals are uplifting, contrasting with the earlier heaviness of the film. This ending signifies the powerful message of the film: love and understanding can overcome the darkest moments. The aftermath leaves viewers with a sense of hope for humanity's potential to change.

Context: This final scene beautifully ties together the film’s overarching themes of love, acceptance, and the rejection of hate, offering a poignant, optimistic closure to an otherwise dark tale.

The Imaginary Hitler's Last Moments

As Jojo distances himself from the influence of his imaginary friend, a poignant confrontation occurs. The pivotal moment is when Jojo confronts Hitler, declaring that he no longer believes in the hateful ideology. The visuals show Jojo's determination, which symbolizes the shedding of destructive beliefs. The aftermath sees the imaginary figure fade away, reinforcing Jojo's personal growth and the rejection of hate. It highlights the importance of introspection and self-discovery.

Context: This scene emphasizes a crucial turning point in Jojo’s development, portraying how one can choose to free themselves from indoctrination and embrace humanity.

The Mother's Sacrifice

Jojo's mother, Rosie, makes a significant sacrifice to protect Elsa. The pivotal moment occurs when she defies authority, showcasing her strength and love for her son and for Elsa. The visuals convey her courage, contrasted with the dangers surrounding them. The aftermath is heart-wrenching as Jojo realizes the true cost of standing up against hate. This moment adds depth to his understanding of bravery and sacrifice.

Context: Rosie’s sacrifice provides a personal lens on the effects of war, emphasizing themes of familial love, courage, and resistance against oppressive forces.

The Festival Scene

During a celebratory festival, the vibrant atmosphere offers a stark contrast to the dark themes of the film. The pivotal moment occurs when Jojo sees the love and unity among people, including those considered 'enemies'. The visuals are lively, filled with joy and color, promoting a sense of community that challenges preconceived notions. The aftermath leads Jojo to reassess his beliefs, recognizing humanity's common bonds beyond borders.

Context: This scene highlights the power of community and love over hate, showcasing how joy can coexist even in turbulent times.

The Letter Revelation

Jojo finds a hidden letter revealing truths about his family and the war. The pivotal moment is when he reads the letter, uncovering secrets that lead him to question everything he knew. The visuals focus on Jojo’s shifting expressions, reflecting his process of realization and pain. The aftermath leaves him with a deeper understanding of loyalty, love, and the scars of war, providing a pivotal character moment.

Context: This moment is significant as it promotes the theme of familial love and the complexity of truth in a world filled with propaganda.

Jojo's First Confession

Jojo confesses to Elsa about his integral beliefs and fear towards Jews. The pivotal moment is marked by his struggle to articulate his confusion and guilt, revealing his vulnerability. The emotional visuals emphasize the weight of his words. The aftermath is transformative, as Elsa’s responses encourage Jojo to explore empathy and develop a more nuanced understanding of his personal biases.

Context: This moment resonates strongly with the film's exploration of growth through dialogue and human connection.

The Quick Escape

Jojo helps Elsa plan her escape from danger, showcasing the urgency and tension of their situation. The pivotal moment unfolds as they race against time, highlighting their growing bond in the face of adversity. The visuals depict fear and determination, encapsulating both characters' stakes. After this moment, Jojo is further committed to protecting Elsa, cementing his transformation.

Context: This scene highlights themes of bravery and loyalty, showcasing the lengths one will go to for loved ones, even in dire circumstances.

The Underlying Friendship

A subtle but powerful moment arises when Jojo begins to genuinely enjoy Elsa's company, leading to a deeper exploration of their friendship. The pivotal moment is marked by laughter and shared stories that defy hate's hold over him. The visuals reflect the warmth of their connection against a backdrop of turmoil. This deepening friendship impacts Jojo's worldview, nudging him further away from hate.

Context: This scene embodies the transformational power of friendship, further established as a recurring theme throughout the film.

The Moment of Realization

Jojo has a moment of deep realization as he observes soldiers mistreating Elsa. The pivotal moment comes when Jojo finds himself torn between his loyalty to the Nazis and his friendship with Elsa. The visuals show his internal conflict, making it raw and palpable. This leads to profound self-reflection that shifts his loyalties towards love rather than hate.

Context: This moment marks a significant turning point for Jojo, emphasizing the film’s themes of self-awareness and moral conflict.

The Legacy of Love

In the final moments, Jojo acknowledges the sacrifices made for love and freedom. The pivotal moment is when he reflects on everything he has learned throughout the film, realizing what truly matters. The visuals are hopeful and uplifting, contrasting with earlier despair. The aftermath signifies a commitment to continue spreading love rather than hatred.

Context: This closing moment encapsulates the film’s message about the enduring power of love and the possibilities of redemption.

The Heartfelt Farewell

As they part ways, Jojo and Elsa share a touching farewell, filled with unspoken connections. The pivotal moment occurs when Jojo looks back at Elsa, showcasing the range of emotions they both feel — love, loss, and hope. The visuals linger on their expressions, etching the moment into memory. This goodbye serves as a bittersweet reminder of changing relationships amidst turmoil.

Context: This scene emphasizes the importance of connections, illustrating how love can persist even through difficult circumstances.

The Hidden Truth

Jojo discovers a hidden room filled with personal items related to the war and Jewish struggles. The pivotal moment unfolds as he realizes his misunderstanding of the people he was taught to hate. The visuals are stark and emotionally charged, leading Jojo to feel discomfort and guilt over his beliefs. This moment propels him toward a path of seeking truth and understanding.

Context: This discovery plays a crucial role in shaping Jojo’s character and aligning with the film’s message about understanding and fighting prejudice.

The Unexpected Bonding

A quiet scene where Jojo shares his sorrows and fears with Elsa, revealing layers of their relationship. The pivotal moment comes when Elsa responds not with anger but with compassion, showcasing their powerful bond. The emotional visuals portray their connection, which helps deepen Jojo’s understanding of love and trust.

Context: This moment reinforces the theme of finding hope in times of despair, illustrating the depth of human relationships even amidst chaos.

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Casting of Thomasin McKenzie

Thomasin McKenzie was relatively unknown in Hollywood before being cast as Elsa, but her audition for 'Jojo Rabbit' had a profound impact on Taika Waititi.

Why it matters: Her performance brought emotional depth to the character, making the audience more connected to the struggle faced by Jewish characters during WWII.

Taika Waititi's Dual Role

Taika Waititi not only directed 'Jojo Rabbit' but also played the role of Adolf Hitler as Jojo’s imaginary friend.

Why it matters: Waititi's comedic portrayal added a satirical element to the film, allowing for a unique discussion on the absurdity of hate and prejudice.

Improvised Moments

Many scenes, especially between Jojo and Elsa, included improvised dialogue that contributed to their natural chemistry.

Why it matters: These unscripted moments enhanced the authenticity of their interactions and deepened the emotional resonance of their relationship.

Jojo’s Imaginary World

The visual style of Jojo's imaginary world was influenced by the childlike perspective of the character, featuring colorful, whimsical elements.

Why it matters: This stylistic choice emphasized the innocence of childhood amid the harsh realities of war, highlighting Jojo's internal conflict.

Use of Practical Effects

Many of the film’s explosive scenes utilized practical effects rather than CGI, contributing to a more vivid and tactile filmmaking experience.

Why it matters: This choice helped maintain immersion, as audiences could truly connect with the physicality of the comedy and drama unfolding onscreen.

Rochelle's Cast

The character of Rosie, played by Scarlett Johansson, was initially written as a more minor character but became significant as the story evolved.

Why it matters: Johansson’s strong performance elevated the role, showcasing the complexities of a mother trying to protect her son during a tumultuous time.

Change in Tone

'Jojo Rabbit' balances humor with darker themes, a tonal shift that was carefully orchestrated in the screenplay.

Why it matters: This juxtaposition allows the film to tackle serious subjects with levity, providing both laughs and prompts for deeper reflection among viewers.

Authentic German Accents

The actors were encouraged to speak in their natural accents during their characters’ dialogues, adding realism to the performances.

Why it matters: It made the characters feel genuine, creating a stronger emotional connection with the audience rather than relying on forced accents.

Costume Design

The costume design aimed to reflect the 1940s German aesthetic while subtly indicating character development through color and style.

Why it matters: For instance, Jojo's iconic uniform evolves throughout the film, mirroring his journey from blind nationalism to empathy.

Editing Choices

The editing team was instrumental in weaving together comedy and drama through timing and pacing, often using quick cuts to enhance both emotions.

Why it matters: This technique allowed the film to maintain a brisk energy while still delivering poignant moments that resonated deeply with audiences.

Documentary Inspiration

Taika Waititi drew inspiration from various documentaries about WWII, especially about the youth affected by the war.

Why it matters: These insights informed the tone of authenticity in the children's experiences and the surreal yet relevant depiction of Nazi ideology.

Collaboration with Young Actors

The majority of child actors in the film, including Roman Griffin Davis, collaborated closely with Taika Waititi to shape their characters.

Why it matters: This collaborative environment fostered a sense of trust and freedom, allowing them to explore their roles more intuitively.

Cameos and Fun Easter Eggs

Several adult characters are played by notable figures in New Zealand cinema, including Waititi’s own father as the older version of Jojo.

Why it matters: These hidden gems add layers of connection within the film’s creative community, rewarding engaged viewers with insider knowledge.

Authentic Props

The production team sought to use period-accurate props whenever possible, including items like posters, toys, and furniture.

Why it matters: These details helped ground the film in reality, enhancing the viewer's connection to the time period and setting.

Comedic Casting Decisions

The casting of Rebel Wilson and Sam Rockwell as quirky, unpredictable characters was a deliberate choice to juxtapose the film's serious themes.

Why it matters: Their comedic timing lightens the film at critical points, maintaining the balance between humor and hurtful truths.

Emphasis on Scripts

The screenplay underwent numerous iterations, focusing on both humor and the emotional arcs of the characters.

Why it matters: This dedication to a tightly-crafted script allowed for significant character development, making each moment impactful.

Animal Training

The film features a trained dog, which was crucial for capturing specific emotional scenes that involved canine companionship.

Why it matters: The presence of the dog added heart to Jojo's world, making his growth softer and more relatable through a pet's love.

Theme of Empathy

A central theme was crafted around the idea of seeing people as individuals rather than stereotypes, heavily shaped by character interactions.

Why it matters: This theme not only informs Jojo and Elsa’s relationship but also provides the film’s core message combating hatred.

Shooting Locations

The majority of the film was shot in New Zealand, standing in for Germany, due to location logistics and producing costs.

Why it matters: While it created a unique visual style, it also connected to Waititi's roots and different cultural perspectives.

Soundtrack Choices

The soundtrack featured an eclectic mix of modern songs and German wartime music, instilling a sense of both nostalgia and irony.

Why it matters: This unusual pairing added layers to the film's emotional landscape, enhancing the comedic and tragic moments alike.

Set Design

The set design creatively included bursts of color in an otherwise grey world to symbolize the innocence of childhood.

Why it matters: It visually reinforces Jojo’s imaginative journey, contrasting the grim historical context with his vibrant dreams.

Famous Lines Adaptation

One of the film's famous lines, 'I’m not afraid of you,' was improvised during a key emotional scene between Jojo and Elsa.

Why it matters: This spontaneity enhanced the moment's intensity, showing Jojo's growth and pivotal transformation from fear to courage.

Engagement with History

Waititi encouraged the cast to read about WWII history, providing context for their performances and enhancing character authenticity.

Why it matters: This historical grounding lent the film an educational aspect, enriching the narrative beyond mere entertainment.

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